Composition of the organisation
An organisation where everyone feels at home
Alliander wants to be an organisation where everyone feels at home. Only this will allow everyone to be themselves and ensure that every employee performs to the best of their ability. We pay attention to the needs of different employees. One example of this is the ‘flexible public holidays’ pilot. This year we also organised iftar for the second time, in which 80 Islamic and non-Islamic colleagues had a meal together after a day of fasting.
Diversity, inclusion and equality policy
Alliander values a good balance between gender and cultural diversity. It makes us more innovative and more effective, which safeguards our future. The Management Board approved the diversity, inclusion and equality policy in 2023. The policy was incorporated in an annual plan containing spearheads in the field of inflow, women in managerial positions, management and data, advancement and retention of colleagues from minority groups. Our inclusion policy focuses on five areas:
Gender: we aim to create equal opportunities for everyone, regardless of their gender. We aim to balance diversity in all layers and parts of our organisation. Our policy specifically targets representation of women in managerial positions and in technical positions.
Cultural background: we aim to create equal opportunities for everyone, regardless of their ethnic background (colour, religion, culture). We aim to improve cultural diversity in all layers and parts of our organisation.
LGBTIQ+: we aim to create a culture where everyone can be themselves and feels safe to express their sexual orientation, gender identity, relations or family situation.
Poor employment prospects: we aim to include people with poor employment prospects, focusing on the target group that falls under the government’s job promise scheme (‘banenafspraak’). We offer long-term jobs and work experience placements.
Age: we aim to create a culture where both young and old people feel at home and realise their potential. Here we also target diversity: different generations bring different perspectives that will make the future energy transition possible.
Diversity objectives and target figures
Gender diversity at board and senior management level
We have set ourselves the target of having 50% women in managerial positions by 2030. In 2023 this was 30.5% (2022: 28.3%). This is lower than our target of 32.0%. We are targeting the inflow and advancement of women within and towards managerial positions. At board and senior management level, the number of women in managerial positions grew steadily in 2023: 36% in senior management and 34% at board level (2022: 29% and 25% respectively). In the next few years, we aim to achieve a good balance between women and men at all management levels within the organisation to achieve our 50% target.
Percentage of women in managerial positions
Cultural diversity
The composition of the working population is changing rapidly, and Alliander is changing along with this. In 2024, we will investigate the best way to measure cultural diversity, which will enable us to implement and monitor the required interventions.
Employee breakdown by gender
Employee breakdown by age
Equal remuneration for men and women
In 2021, Alliander ordered the performance of a gender pay gap analysis. Following the outcome of the investigation, no specific policy for equal remuneration was developed or implemented at the time. Nevertheless, we are currently focusing more specifically on equal remuneration for the same work in our recruitment process. After the introduction of the new job classification system in 2024, we want another pay gap analysis to be performed.
Employee networks
Six internal employee networks contribute to the inclusive culture of our organisation. Five of these networks represent a focus group from our diversity, inclusion and equality policy.
‘Wij zijn Nexus’ (multicultural network)
Lianne (women’s network)
Pride (LGBHTQ+ network)
Tension (young employees network)
Mission Possible (network for colleagues who require support)
Globals (for non-Dutch-speaking employees, new in 2023)
Diversity Week
In October, Alliander organised a whole Diversity Week rather than just a Diversity Day. Its theme was ‘Voor iedereen, Met iedereen’ (For everyone, with everyone). A total of 12 events were organised. Six of these were organised by the employee networks.
Opportunities for people with poor employment prospects
Work helps people contribute to society, which is why Alliander is creating opportunities specifically targeted at people with poor employment prospects. By providing the right facilities and support, Alliander ensures that these candidates can also provide a valuable contribution to achieving the energy transition. In 2023 we offered a total of 125 people a job or work experience placement (2022: 90). This is lower than our target. In our experience, the labour market shortages also apply to the target group of people with poor employment prospects. Finding suitable candidates for Alliander requires additional effort. We are actively looking for new partners who have candidates with the right level of education. Alliander’s demand for candidates currently exceeds the supply.
Future Leader Board launched
The Future Leader Board, which was launched in June, represents the voice of our youngest employees by advising the Management Board and the management team (LTA) on strategic topics and by explaining what is important to them. In doing so, the Future Leader Board bridges the gap between decision-makers and young employees, and challenges our directors to open themselves up to a different perspective. Its members were selected on the basis of diversity, both in terms of backgrounds and departments within our organisation.
Future Leader Board

Perspective of young employees gets structural place in decision-making
Choices that are made now directly affect the future of the younger generation. Alliander therefore believes it is highly important for young employees to have their say on policy choices and to have their needs and perspectives heard, whereby Alliander’s youngest generation of colleagues challenges the company to step up its efforts to achieve the energy transition.
In January 2023, the Management Board approved the proposal to set up the Future Leader Board. This is a new, permanent body within Alliander’s governance system that represents the voice of young Alliander employees in current decisions. The council advises management about ongoing administrative topics or current themes. Last year the council’s work included:
selecting a team of seven members from six different organisational units, with the selection being as diverse and inclusive as possible. In addition, the Future Leader Board is officially embedded in Alliander’s governance and consultation structure.
building the foundations of the newly formed council. This included drawing up a vision document to show what the council stands for, our views on certain topics and our ambitions for the coming year.
organising three council meetings with members of the Management Board and directors. The meetings were used to address the personal result and development (PRO) system, the remuneration policy and general prosperity, and to put all of this into perspective. In the years to come, the Future Leader Board will continue its development to keep offering a high-quality, constructive and own perspective for young employees in our organisation.
We are excited about this new role and the discussions it will bring with our directors and Management Board. In 2024, we will continue to build strong foundations with ambition, to represent the perspective of young employees.
On behalf of the Future Leader Board,
Daphne van Paridon (chair)