Profile of Alliander
Alliander N.V. is a network company comprising a group of companies that employ over 8,800 people (8,400 FTEs) in all, including agency workers. Alliander N.V.’s shares are held by Dutch provincial authorities and municipalities. Alliander stands for high-quality management of the energy network. We invest in the development of the energy networks and explore and implement innovative solutions. With our partners and shareholders, we discuss our plans for the future and offer solutions to complex energy transition issues. Sustainability plays a key role in the choices we make.
Our role in the energy system
We distribute energy while ensuring maximum safety and continuity. We aim to make sure energy is available to our customers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Liander is the network operator and has a statutory obligation to manage and further develop the gas and electricity networks. We are on call day and night to deal with outages. The energy we distribute comes from power stations, wind farms, solar farms and imports from abroad, among other sources. More and more consumers and companies are feeding the sustainable energy they produce with their own systems back into our energy networks. As a result, energy supply and demand have become interwoven, influencing one another.
Alliander and its subsidiaries collaborate with many parties in the energy sector and with organisations that want to drive innovation in the field of energy. We facilitate the local exchange of energy and work in conjunction with public authorities on issues related to the heating transition.
As a co-designer, we provide the government, municipalities, provincial authorities and businesses with knowledge that helps in the long-term development of the energy system. We show them what the energy network can handle and the social costs associated with specific choices. In addition, we help organisations by offering data services and we collaborate with others to develop a flexible energy market that is driven by supply and demand.
The business units in our network company facilitate markets by providing products and services that help create a future-proof energy network. We build and maintain the infrastructure, and we help match energy supply and demand. We track who produces or consumes energy: when, where, and how much.
How we are organised
- *On 31 January 2024, Kenter was sold to the consortium of ABP and OMERS Infrastructure.
Liander has a statutory obligation to maintain a reliable, affordable and accessible energy supply in our service area. Liander maintains more than 3.3 million connections in the Netherlands. Liander is on call 24/7 to deal with outages. Liander also develops, designs and manages the energy network. In addition, Liander shares knowledge and expertise with customers and government bodies to collaboratively create the most suitable energy network for everybody in the regulated domain.
Qirion is the full-service implementation party for the integrated transmission domain of Liander and TenneT’s high-voltage network, particularly in Liander’s service area. Qirion designs, builds and maintains energy networks.
Kenter supplies innovative solutions for energy metering and energy management. This includes installing meters, supplying metering data, and providing insight into energy usage via online analyses. In addition, Kenter is responsible for the sale, construction and management of mid-voltage installations in the free market domain. To ensure that maximum use is made of Kenter’s potential and that of its employees for the energy transition, the company was sold to a consortium of ABP and OMERS Infrastructure on 31 January 2024.
Firan designs, builds and manages future-proof energy infrastructures for heating, cooling, steam, sustainable gases, solar power, wind energy and CO2. Together with municipalities, project developers, housing corporations, energy producers and other partners, Firan works on smart energy solutions for buildings, regions and municipalities.
Alliander Telecom Cluster
Alliander Telecom supplies reliable telecommunication systems used to control and protect critical infrastructures (including electricity and gas networks). Telecommunications are of paramount importance, for instance for securing, controlling and reading data from critical network elements and communicating with control centres.
ENTRNCE facilitates current and future decentralised energy markets. Energy communities, generators, active producer-consumers (‘prosumers’) and innovative energy service providers play the leading role in these markets. ENTRNCE allows direct energy exchange between energy producers and consumers (peer2peer) and provides complete transparency about the source and final destination of the energy flows. By offering this facility, we give the decentralised markets freedom of choice and lower the entry barriers for the energy market.
Network management in Germany
Alliander AG manages several small electricity and gas networks in Germany. Alliander AG has a total of about 10,000 connections.
2023 in figures
Number of customer connections
5.9 million in 2022
Lost Time Injury Frequency (LTIF)
1.9 in 20221
Number of employees including agency workers
7,369 FTEs in 2022
Electricity outage duration
21.3 minutes in 2022
Gas outage duration
59 seconds in 2022
Net carbon emissions
29 kilotons in 20222
Net revenue
€2.2 billion in 2022
Investments in property, plant and equipment
€1,228 million in 2022
Total assets
€10.7 billion in 2022
Profit after tax
€198 million in 2022
Free cash flow
€-603 million in 2022
FFO/net debt ratio
19.2% in 2022
- 1The standard time allocation used to calculate the LTIF was changed from 1,800 to 1,600 hours to match other companies in the sector, so the LTIF for 2022 was recalculated and is now 1.9.
- 2The net carbon emissions figure for 2022 has been restated based on the most recent emission factors (2022).
Liander’s service area

Electricity grid length
95,000km in 2022
Gas grid length
42,000km in 2022