GRI Content Index
This annual report has been prepared in accordance with the Comprehensive GRI Standards.
GRI Content Index |
In accordance statement |
GRI 1: Foundation 2021 |
Statement of use: this report has been prepared in accordance with the GRI Universal Standards 2021 for the period 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023. |
Upon publication of this report, Alliander notifies the GRI Organisation of the application of these standards. |
GRI Sector standards: no sector standard available yet. For a number of material topics, Alliander reports additional indicators from the former |
GRI G4 EU-Electric Utilities Sector Disclosures, 2014. These indicators are identified by the corresponding EU number. |
GRI 2 |
Description |
Reference |
Reason for omission (full or partial) |
2-1 |
Organisational details |
XBRL Company definitions: Utrechtseweg 68, 6812 AH, Arnhem |
2-2 |
Entities included in the organisation’s sustainability reporting |
About this report: Consolidation |
2-3 |
Reporting period, frequency and contact point |
Other information: Opinion of the stakeholder panel |
2-4 |
Restatements of information |
Other information: Comparative figures for impact in 2022 - 2021 measurement and reporting |
2-5 |
External assurance |
Other non-financial information - External assurance of the social part of the annual report |
2-6 |
Activities, value chain and other business relationships |
Additional information: there were no significant changes to our value chain or business relationships. |
Profile of Alliander - Our role in the energy system |
Profile of Alliander - Organisational structure |
2-7 |
Employees |
About this report: consolidation |
N/A: regional division; we consider the Netherlands to be a single geographical area. |
2-8 |
Workers who are not employees |
Appendix: other non-financial information - additional staff data |
Omission: the job classifications and contract relationship of external staff. This information will be aligned with CSRD requirements in 2024. |
Income statement - Operating expenses |
2-9 |
Governance structure and composition |
Corporate Governance: Corporate governance structure in outline |
Corporate Governance: Report of the Supervisory Board |
2-10 |
Nomination and selection of the highest governance body |
Corporate Governance: Report of the Supervisory Board - Composition of the Supervisory Board |
2-11 |
Chair of the highest governance body |
Corporate governance: Corporate governance |
2-12 |
Role of the highest governance body in overseeing the management of impacts |
Report by the Supervisory Board on Sustainability |
Corporate Governance - Risk management and control |
2-13 |
Delegation of responsibility for managing impacts |
Corporate Governance: Report of the Supervisory Board |
2-14 |
Role of the highest governance body in sustainability reporting |
2-15 |
Conflicts of interest |
Report of the Supervisory Board on independence and conflicts of interest |
2-16 |
Communication of critical concerns |
Corporate governance, Governance structure outline |
2-17 |
Collective knowledge of the highest governance body |
Other information: Interaction with stakeholders |
2-18 |
Evaluation of the performance of the highest governance body |
2-19 |
Remuneration policies |
Corporate governance: Corporate Governance |
2-20 |
Process to determine remuneration |
Corporate governance: Corporate Governance - Remuneration report - Remuneration of the Management Board and Supervisory Board |
N/A: as regards changes in 2023. |
Process ensuring stakeholders’ involvement in determining remuneration |
Corporate governance: Corporate Governance - Remuneration report - Remuneration of the Management Board and Supervisory Board |
N/A: this concerns a legally mandated scheme. |
2-21 |
Annual total compensation ratio |
Value creation: attractive, inclusive employer: internal compensation ratio |
Additional information: significant operations take place in the Netherlands. The scope for this indicator concerns the members of the Management Board. The increase in the management remuneration is equal to the percentage salary increase for employees covered by the collective labour agreement and limited based on the Public and Semi-Public Sector Executives Pay (Standards) Act (WNT). |
2-22 |
Statement on sustainable development strategy |
Our story in 2023: Foreword |
2-23 |
Policy commitments |
EU taxonomy |
In 2024, we will review our CSR policy and implement CSRD. As we do so, we will identify the applicability of the precautionary principle in relation to our activities. |
Corporate governance |
2-24 |
Embedding policy commitments |
Other non-financial information: CSR organisation |
2-25 |
Processes to remediate negative impacts |
2-26 |
Mechanisms for seeking advice and raising concerns |
2-27 |
Compliance with laws and regulations |
Additional information: no financial penalties were reported for environmental violations. |
Additional information: non-financial penalties relate to all occurrences for which they are imposed by competent authority: Soil Protection Act (10), Water Board Approval (2), Activities Decree (2), Environmental Permit (1), Environmental Management Act - waste registration (1), Decree on reporting industrial waste and hazardous waste (1), Environmental Management of Noise (1) |
2-28 |
Membership associations |
Interaction with stakeholders: Energy sector and partner relations |
2-29 |
Approach to stakeholder engagement |
2-30 |
Collective labour agreements |
Being an attractive employer: Collective labour agreement for network companies |
Additional information: 0.6% non-collective labour agreement concerns higher job scales with employee benefits tailored to each scale. Not material. |
GRI 3 |
Description |
Reference |
Reason for omission (full or partial) |
3-1 |
Process to determine material topics |
3-2 |
List of material topics |
3-3 |
Management of material topics |
Topic description: Energy security for the customer |
Alliander indicator |
Feed-in of energy from renewable sources |
Value creation: making the energy supply more sustainable - number of renewable feed-in customers |
Alliander indicator |
Investments in energy networks |
Alliander indicator |
Connecting charging stations for electrical mobility |
Alliander indicator (EU4)* |
Transmission and distribution lines |
Alliander |
Capacity planning focused on short-term and long-term electricity availability and reliability |
Value creation: Our network - How we are working on the changing energy system |
Alliander indicator |
Investments in energy networks |
Alliander indicator |
Number of transmission restrictions |
Profile of Alliander: Maps showing regional transmission scarcity |
Alliander indicator (EU28) |
Frequency of power outages |
Appendix: other non-financial information - other SAIFI data |
Alliander indicator (EU29) |
Power outage duration |
Alliander indicator |
Gas outage duration |
Alliander indicator (EU24) |
Programmes focused on improving and maintaining access to electricity for vulnerable groups |
Value creation: Our network - Excellent network management - access to energy |
Alliander indicator (EU3) |
Customer connections |
Profile of Alliander: Organisational structure -2023 in figures |
Alliander indicator (EU27) |
Number of buildings disconnected |
Number of disconnections |
Alliander indicator |
Customer satisfaction |
Value creation: Our network: excellent network management - Customer convenience |
302-1 |
Energy usage within the organisation |
Value creation: Sustainable energy supply - sustainable operationsOther information: other non-financial information - data |
N/A: indicators related to energy sales. Alliander is not allowed to sell energy. |
302-2 |
Energy usage outside the organisation |
Value creation: Sustainable energy supply - sustainable operations Alliander’s carbon emissions in 2023 (graph) |
302-3 |
Energy intensity ratio |
302-4 |
Energy usage reduction |
Value creation: Sustainable energy supply - sustainable operationsOther information: other non-financial information - data |
N/A: the indicator on actual volume of energy saved per measure. The development in the energy usage data is described in detail in the appendix ‘Other non-financial information’. |
302-5 |
Reduction of energy requirements with respect to products and services |
305-1 |
Direct (scope 1) greenhouse gas emissions by weight |
Value creation: Sustainable energy supply - sustainable operations |
Non-material: the breakdown by biogenic emissions has not been included. |
305-2 |
Indirect (scope 2) greenhouse gas emissions by weight |
Value creation: Sustainable energy supply - sustainable operations |
305-3 |
Other relevant indirect (scope 3) greenhouse gas emissions by weight |
Value creation: Sustainable energy supply - sustainable operationsOther information: other non-financial information - data |
305-4 |
Greenhouse gas emission intensity ratio |
305-5 |
Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions |
Value creation: Sustainable energy supply - supporting customers in making choicesValue creation: Sustainable energy supply - sustainable operationsOther information: other non-financial information - CO2 and energy |
305-6 |
Emission of ozone-depleting substances |
N/A: no indication that these substances are present. |
305-7 |
Emission of NOX, SOX and other atmospheric emissions |
Value creation: Making the energy supply and our organisation sustainable - air emissions |
Other air emissions (non-CO2) were investigated in 2023. They have been quantified indicatively. Further action will follow in 2024. |
201-2 |
Financial implications and other risks and opportunities associated with climate change |
Value creation: Making the energy supply and our organisation sustainable: dealing with climate risks and adaptation |
Incomplete: Climate risks and scenarios for the organisation were further evaluated in 2023. Quantitative data (iii, iv and v) is not available. Quantification will take place in 2024. |
Alliander indicator |
Application of innovations in partnership |
Value creation: Sustainable energy supply - sustainable energy supply - green gas booster |
Alliander indicator |
Network digitalisation |
Alliander indicator (EU4) |
Length of fibre optic infrastructure |
418-1 |
Complaints concerning violation of customer privacy and/or breach of customer data security |
connectivity matrix - data security, privacy and cybersecurity |
Other indicators |
205-2 |
Communication and training about anti-corruption policies and procedures |
Other non-financial data: other information |
Clarification: all business partners and suppliers agree to the Supplier Code of Conduct and basic procurement criteria. |
205-3 |
Number of incidents of corruption and bribery and actions taken |
Corporate Governance: Integrity - Code of conduct |
414-1 |
Percentage of new suppliers vetted based on ‘occupational health and safety’ criteria |
Value creation: Sustainable operations - Supply chain responsibility with partners |
Clarification: all business partners and suppliers agree to the Supplier Code of Conduct and basic procurement criteria through a standard agreement. A basic guideline applies to tender procedures. New suppliers are subjected to on-site spot-check audits. |
414-2 |
Significant existing and potential negative impact on occupational health and safety in the supply chain, as well as measures taken |
Value creation: Sustainable operations - Supply chain responsibility- compliance with agreements made with suppliers |
Alliander indicator (EU18) |
Employees of contractors/subcontractors with relevant occupational health and safety training |
Alliander indicator (EU16) |
Employee and contractor/subcontractor health and safety policy and conditions |
Value creation: a safe energy network - safe working practices - safety in the supply chain |
Alliander indicator |
For the 2024 financial year, CSRD, yet to be determined |
not applicable |
403-1 |
Management systems for work-related health and safety |
Value creation: a safe energy network - Safe behaviour - Primary process certification |
Incomplete: reach and scope of the management systems are missing for a number of factors. A process for integrating management systems is ongoing. |
403-2 |
Risk identification and evaluation and incident investigation |
403-3 |
Occupational health and safety services and occupational medicine |
Value creation: attractive, inclusive employer: Sickness absence |
403-4 |
Employee consultation, participation and communication about health at work |
Value creation: attractive, inclusive employer: Attractive employer - Healthy and sustainable deployment |
Additional information: a Works Council Safety & Environment Committee has been established; Health & Well-being is handled by the HR Committee of the Works Council. This employee representation has the right to give advice and the right of consent in respect of parts of the policy and company schemes. |
403-5 |
Training on healthy and safe working practices |
Value creation: a safe energy network and a safe working environment: broad expertise and safety |
403-6 |
Promoting employee health |
Value creation: an attractive and inclusive employer: health and long-term employability |
403-7 |
Prevention and mitigation of impact of work-related health and safety risks |
Value creation: a safe energy network and a safe working environment: safety controls |
403-8 |
Scope of health and safety management systems |
Value creation: a safe energy network - Safe working practices - Primary process certification |
Incomplete: Alliander is recalibrating its management systems. The certificates list the core processes and business units. Data on number of employees and job classifications is unavailable. |
403-9 |
Work-related injury |
Value creation: a safe energy network and a safe working environment: safe working practices - LTIF |
Omission: Alliander reports the LTIF indicator based on the budgeted hours worked. This differs from the GRI definition, which calls for the actual hours worked. |
403-10 |
Work-related illness |
Value creation: attractive, inclusive employer: Sickness absence |
Omission: involves sensitive personal data. |
404-1 |
Average number of hours that an employee spends on training on an annual basis, broken down by employee category |
connectivity matrix: attractive employer - training costs as % of total wage bill |
Incomplete: there is no management focus on this. Is reported as training costs as a percentage of total wage bill. All employees with a permanent contract have a personal budget. The data will be aligned with CSRD requirements in 2024. |
404-2 |
Programmes for competency management and lifelong learning that guarantee employees’ long-term employability and help them complete their career |
Value creation: an attractive, inclusive employer: labour market, training and retention team |
404-3 |
Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews by gender and employee category |
Value creation: an attractive, inclusive employer: attractive employer - focus on retention |
Additional information: managers discuss performance and development with individual employees on an annual basis. Employees and their managers record the results and agreements in the HR system. Omission: the percentage of employees is not available. Every employee receives a report stating the results. |
Alliander indicator (EU15) |
Percentage of employees eligible for pension plan in 5 and 10 years’ time by job category and geographical area |
Other information: Other non-financial information - additional data |
Alliander indicator |
Training costs as a percentage of total wage bill |
connectivity matrix: attractive employer - training costs as % of total wage bill |
Alliander indicator |
Number of employees with poor employment prospects |
Alliander indicator |
Employee engagement |
Connectivity matrix - attractive employer - employee satisfaction |
Alliander indicator |
Alliander Foundation participants |
Value creation: an attractive, inclusive employer: attractive employer - Alliander Foundation |
Alliander indicator |
Women in managerial positions |
405-1 |
Composition of governance bodies and workforce breakdown by category, gender, age group, and other diversity indicators. |
Other information: Other non-financial information - additional data |
405-2 |
Salary ratio by gender |
Value creation: an attractive, inclusive employer - equal pay |
Additional information: the salary ratio by gender applies to the total workforce. |
Alliander indicator (EU19) |
Participative decision-making and involvement of stakeholders and outcomes |
About this report: Stakeholder dialogue |
306-1 (2020) |
Waste and most significant impacts |
Our impact on society - Eco-costs impact |
306-2 |
Waste management and dealing with impact |
Value creation: Sustainable energy supply - Circular procurement |
306-3 |
Total weight of waste by type and disposal method |
Other information: other non-financial information - additional data |
306-4 |
Waste separation and prevention |
Value creation: Sustainable energy supply - Circular procurement |
Omission: further split by waste category plus additional data 306-4. These aspects will be examined further in 2024. |
306-5 |
Final processing |
Other information: other non-financial information - waste from operations |
Omission: further split by type of disposal processing and waste category plus additional data 306-5. These aspects will be examined further in 2024. |
Alliander indicator |
Circular procurement percentage |
Profile of Alliander: our strategy - objectives and performance |
Alliander indicator (EU25) |
Accidents and health impact on citizens in relation to assets |
Value creation: a safe network; a safe working environment and a secure data environment - safe infrastructure |
Alliander indicator (EU23) |
Measures to support access to energy and promote safe energy usage |